PETRA helps steer ARC IOCR

PETRA is proud to be an industry participant in ARC Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources.

The IOCR will deliver the vital enabling tools for automated, integrated and optimised mining. It will also produce future leaders in advanced sensors and data analytics for complex resources.

Image of Zeqi Li
Zeqi Li (student at Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources (IOCR)

The Training Centre will:

  • Transform end-user mining operations by optimising productivity and product quality and by delivering automated and integrated mining.
  • Translate new technological research outcomes to industry-ready applications.
  • Increase certainty on product quality.
  • Maximise throughput and recovery of minerals in mining operations.

Early career researchers, early career professionals and PhD scholars will be trained at the Centre, which will also run outreach projects promoting STEM to high school students.

Our contribution includes free software licenses for MAXTA & FRAGX for post-grads and post-doctorates with Dr Penny Stewart joining the steering committee.



Read the original article here

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